Hometown: The Roch, MI (aka. The Crotch, aka. Crotchscratcher, aka. Crotchmolester, aka. Rochester)
Currently Living: Clawson, MI
Height: 5'8
Weight: Ha ha, yeah right
Favorite Color: Blue (preferably navy)
Profession: Researcher
Favorite Nickname: Trick, Sloan
Favorite Drinks:Vodka Tonic, Guinness, Diet Dr. Pepper, Dirty Martinis, red wine
Favorite TV Show: Friends, Sex & The City, Project Runway, The Amazing Race, Iron Chef America
Least Favorite TV Show: A Baby Story, I Love Lucy, Martha Stewart, Everybody Loves Raymond, every hour long drama
Favorite Books: The History of Love, Beloved, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Fight Club, A Prayer for Owen Meany, The of Being, SurUnbearable Lightness vivor, Empire Falls, The Corrections, The Bell Jar
Favorite Movies: Little Miss Sunshine, Anchorman, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Wordplay, American Beauty, Life is Beautiful, Amelie, Breakfast Club, Singin In The Rain, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Sleeping Beauty, Dancer in the Dark, Duets, The Virgin Suicides, The Manchurian Candidate (1962), Austin Powers I, II & III, My Best Friends Wedding, Moulin Rouge, Tommy Boy, Billy Madison, The Shining, Gone With The Wind, Bridget Jones' Diary, Chicago, Love Actually
Guilty Pleasure Movies: Xanadu, Dirty Dancing, Overboard, Groundhog Day, Steel Magnolias, 10 Things I Hate About You, Bond movies, Footloose, Clue, Murder By Death, High Spirits, A Cinderella Story
What I Do Too Much: Check email, crossword puzzles, complain about my job to friends and family,
Obsessions: sushi, Indian food, ranch dressing, toenail polish, song lyrics, hands, awards shows, symmetry, avocados, maps, dreams, This American Life, the display in my car that tracks my MPG
Pet Peeves: loud eaters, slurping, gulping, arrogance, snoring, bad grammar, repetition, late mergers, ripping cardboard, the word "chunky", intolerance, couples in a restaurant sitting on the same side of a booth, pop-up ads, privacy manager, men that drive without shirts on, being foolish, unfairly jumping to conclusions, being made fun of, cat-calling, people who type too hard
Greatest Fear: crossing bridges
Relaxing Activites: late night drives to sing by myself, headstands, hot baths,
Wish I Was: Ansel Adams, Jenifer Aniston, in love, living alone
Prized Possessions: ring from my grandparents, flower pot of my Grandma's, electric blanket (temporarily broken), tongue scraper, my bed
Craziest Thing Ever Done: getting a tattoo, strip Jenga
Things I Eventually Want To Do: skydive, buy a guitar, learn how to play the aforementioned guitar, take flying lessons, travel to France, write a novel, learn how to play the harp, tap dancing lessons, run a marathon
Wednesday, September 20, 2006 Alcohol, my permanent accessory....Well I guess it means it was a successful birthday weekend when you end up getting a cold and spend 4 days sounding like you're honking like a duck, snoring when you sleep from being stuffed up, and generally feeling really really awesome. And hot. Ok, fine not really, but nonetheless, I've felt like crap. But it was worth it...oh, was it worth it.
Thursday night (birthday night) treated Kelly, Suz and I to dinner and drinks all around town in Birmingham. We had the most fantastic dinner at Streetside, which has yummy seafood, and as a testament to how great their food is, I woke up on Friday morning and the very first thought that came into my mind was, "oooo...scallops...". But we gallavanted about town and by the end of the night came to discover that we had not paid for a single drink. Not that we were workin that angle or anything. What would happen is we would order our round of drinks and somewhere along the way, some guy came over to talk (to Suzy)and discover it was my birthday and there would be shots all around and drinks and then when we would go to leave and cash out, someone would dive for the bill and take care of it all. So we had an absolute blast the whole evening.
When I came home, the boy met me at my place where we had one of our infamous, impromptu dance parties until 3 in the morning. Just the 2 of us. Dancing. Like fools. In our living room. At one point I looked across the room at him with mouth wide open in a goofy smile, doing some kind of running-in-place-part-aerobics move and couldn't have been happier. And why does our dancing always turn into aerobics?
Friday, we had a sizable posse (family and friends) head out to go downtown for dinner and a performance. The performance was actually the boy's -- he's a performance artist. We have all heard so much about it for months (songs and all), so we were all very excited to see it all in motion. The show was great and the night was a lot of fun. I know I've mentioned this in the past, but man has Detroit come a long way. There was a Tiger's game that night, and from where we were sitting, you'd have thought it was the funky downtown of Chicago or something. It was just a cool thing to sit outside of a bar and be in the middle of a very cool happening city.
Saturday, I made a repeat appearance and the boy's show with Amy and Dave who couldn't go the night before. But not before we sat and watched the greatest UofM game on tv at the Hard Rock. Accompanied by yummy Oberon and the most enormous plate of fried appetizers I've ever seen. Can't go wrong there. By the end of the night though I was getting to feeling pretty damn crappy with a sore throat and was happy to just go home and sleep.
So I've started undertaking two rather sizable tasks. One being going through the blog to de-identify it. By taking out everyone's last name that I've ever mentioned and to get rid of some of the more identifiable things I've written about various stuff. Which pretty much means reading 5 years worth of stuff that I've written. So it's a rather slow and tedious process. My other sizable task is that of putting all of my cds on my computer. One of the greatest b-day gifts I received from all of my family was an iPod. I've always said I would never buy one for myself, so they took it upon themselves to bring me into the new millenium of technology. So in order to have the fantastic playlists that I'm envisioning in my head, I need to have all of my cds in iTunes. Which is an enormous pain in the ass. It's been 3 days, every minute that I'm home, and I'm not even half done. I didn't really consider ahead of time if my computer is going to revolt in overload protest, but it seems ok so far. So if I'm lame and not writing, it's because I'm rereading all of my lameness over the years or staring at the little orange symbol telling me that it's importing a song. I'm cool. What can I say.
Well, I have work to do, and the fact that I'm sitting in the backyard with the portable home office all set up out here ensures that I should get little to nothing done. Hasta for now. My most sincere thanks to all who came out to play with me this weekend. I loved every single cotton-pickin' minute of it. Sanks!
3:24 PM