Book I'm Reading Now:

The Divine Comedy, Dante

Song I've Had on Repeat Lately:
"How It Ends," Devotchka

Go Rent This Movie Now:

Little Miss Sunshine

CD of the Month Club -- Dave's Selection:
Ben Kweller, Ben Kweller

Read About My Participation in the 3-Day Walk for Breast Cancer!!

Read the Weblog Review of my blog

Complain to me here:

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Q u i c k F a c t s A b o u t M e

  • Birthdate: 9/14/79
  • Age: You do the math (26)
  • Hometown: The Roch, MI (aka. The Crotch, aka. Crotchscratcher, aka. Crotchmolester, aka. Rochester)
  • Currently Living: Clawson, MI
  • Height: 5'8
  • Weight: Ha ha, yeah right
  • Favorite Color: Blue (preferably navy)
  • Profession: Researcher
  • Favorite Nickname: Trick, Sloan
  • Favorite Drinks:Vodka Tonic, Guinness, Diet Dr. Pepper, Dirty Martinis, red wine
  • Favorite TV Show: Friends, Sex & The City, Project Runway, The Amazing Race, Iron Chef America
  • Least Favorite TV Show: A Baby Story, I Love Lucy, Martha Stewart, Everybody Loves Raymond, every hour long drama
  • Favorite Books: The History of Love, Beloved, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Fight Club, A Prayer for Owen Meany, The of Being, SurUnbearable Lightness vivor, Empire Falls, The Corrections, The Bell Jar
  • Favorite Movies: Little Miss Sunshine, Anchorman, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Wordplay, American Beauty, Life is Beautiful, Amelie, Breakfast Club, Singin In The Rain, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Sleeping Beauty, Dancer in the Dark, Duets, The Virgin Suicides, The Manchurian Candidate (1962), Austin Powers I, II & III, My Best Friends Wedding, Moulin Rouge, Tommy Boy, Billy Madison, The Shining, Gone With The Wind, Bridget Jones' Diary, Chicago, Love Actually
  • Guilty Pleasure Movies: Xanadu, Dirty Dancing, Overboard, Groundhog Day, Steel Magnolias, 10 Things I Hate About You, Bond movies, Footloose, Clue, Murder By Death, High Spirits, A Cinderella Story
  • What I Do Too Much: Check email, crossword puzzles, complain about my job to friends and family,
  • Obsessions: sushi, Indian food, ranch dressing, toenail polish, song lyrics, hands, awards shows, symmetry, avocados, maps, dreams, This American Life, the display in my car that tracks my MPG
  • Pet Peeves: loud eaters, slurping, gulping, arrogance, snoring, bad grammar, repetition, late mergers, ripping cardboard, the word "chunky", intolerance, couples in a restaurant sitting on the same side of a booth, pop-up ads, privacy manager, men that drive without shirts on, being foolish, unfairly jumping to conclusions, being made fun of, cat-calling, people who type too hard
  • Greatest Fear: crossing bridges
  • Relaxing Activites: late night drives to sing by myself, headstands, hot baths,
  • Wish I Was: Ansel Adams, Jenifer Aniston, in love, living alone
  • Prized Possessions: ring from my grandparents, flower pot of my Grandma's, electric blanket (temporarily broken), tongue scraper, my bed
  • Craziest Thing Ever Done: getting a tattoo, strip Jenga
  • Things I Eventually Want To Do: skydive, buy a guitar, learn how to play the aforementioned guitar, take flying lessons, travel to France, write a novel, learn how to play the harp, tap dancing lessons, run a marathon

W o r t h w h i l e R e a d i n g

Where does the time go when it's not around here?
Thursday, November 18, 2004  
And whoever said there's nothing new under the sun, never thought much about me....Here's me happy that the Detroit City Police Department have other things on their plate to worry about than drivers ever-so-slightly speeding on Woodward. Or girls with their heads up their asses rocking out in their car. Yesterday when I was driving to work, I was blissfully excited that it was almost 10am, and not between 4-5am, like every other day that I had to be at work this week. So I was taking the opportunity to sing some Refreshments at the top of my lungs. So when I heard the siren whoop, I was manically looking around in my rearview and off to the drivers side, when I spotted a car pulled over on the opposite side of the road. So I figured that's what I heard. When the siren came again, I freakishly looked in my rearview trying to figure out why it sounded so damn loud, but there was no police car behind me. Probably because she was DRIVING RIGHT NEXT TO ME. I don't look at people in cars around me usually when I'm driving (unless I'm in traffic), and I honestly thought the car was a cab, not a cop car. So all she did was mouth the words "slow down" to me before speeding off, cutting off another driver and making an illegal left turn. And for the record, I was not going more than 5mph over thank you very much. I have many other thoughts to share on the drving habits of individuals on Woodward, but this is a long enough paragraph already.

And so the best time of the year begins. Yes, holidays. And I'm not saying this for the obvious reasons like spending time with friends and family, or for celebrating...ohhh....I don't know, the birth of Jesus maybe? But really, it's all about the free eats. We have this giant white board at work where we put up calendars for two months (this month and next) where we track our scheduled studies. But as soon as November rolls around, we erase October, and fire up December (complete with red and green dry-erase markers and an appropriate, although slightly mis-shapen drawing of something holiday-esque. This task usually falls on my shoulders, and my freakish turkey has no beak, but does have a giant tooty grin). But really the intention for this month, is not so much to track our experiments and scheduling of the bedrooms (that statement making my place of employment sound distinctly like a whorehouse), but to reflect daily on when and where we will be acquiring free eats.

First, the constructing of the December calendar starts with crossing off all days from the 24th to the 31st. With giant bold green letters saying LAB CLOSED! It makes me happy. And then, as the invites trickle in, we write in where exactly all of the parties are at. The benefit of being a part of like 5 different departments is that there are 5 different parties to attend. And they're usually not a big deal, but this year, our pulmonary party (doesn't that sound like a bunch of people listening to their lungs with stethescopes while actually blowing on party horns?), is at the Rattlesnake Club in Detroit. I don't know who made the call for the fancy pants get together this year, but I'd like to shake his/her hand. Plus there's our research potluck which is one of my highlights of the year. Ahh yes, so much goodness and fuzzy feelings to look forward to next month! And this is the point that I express my unhappiness of the results when I stepped on the scale yesterday morning. I'm back into the going-to-the-gym groove, as I pretty much constantly have a bag of workout clothes in my car. I'm shooting for breaking even.

Well, time to get back to hiding my envy of staring at someone while they're sleeping. Laters.

6:19 AM

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