Hometown: The Roch, MI (aka. The Crotch, aka. Crotchscratcher, aka. Crotchmolester, aka. Rochester)
Currently Living: Clawson, MI
Height: 5'8
Weight: Ha ha, yeah right
Favorite Color: Blue (preferably navy)
Profession: Researcher
Favorite Nickname: Trick, Sloan
Favorite Drinks:Vodka Tonic, Guinness, Diet Dr. Pepper, Dirty Martinis, red wine
Favorite TV Show: Friends, Sex & The City, Project Runway, The Amazing Race, Iron Chef America
Least Favorite TV Show: A Baby Story, I Love Lucy, Martha Stewart, Everybody Loves Raymond, every hour long drama
Favorite Books: The History of Love, Beloved, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Fight Club, A Prayer for Owen Meany, The of Being, SurUnbearable Lightness vivor, Empire Falls, The Corrections, The Bell Jar
Favorite Movies: Little Miss Sunshine, Anchorman, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Wordplay, American Beauty, Life is Beautiful, Amelie, Breakfast Club, Singin In The Rain, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Sleeping Beauty, Dancer in the Dark, Duets, The Virgin Suicides, The Manchurian Candidate (1962), Austin Powers I, II & III, My Best Friends Wedding, Moulin Rouge, Tommy Boy, Billy Madison, The Shining, Gone With The Wind, Bridget Jones' Diary, Chicago, Love Actually
Guilty Pleasure Movies: Xanadu, Dirty Dancing, Overboard, Groundhog Day, Steel Magnolias, 10 Things I Hate About You, Bond movies, Footloose, Clue, Murder By Death, High Spirits, A Cinderella Story
What I Do Too Much: Check email, crossword puzzles, complain about my job to friends and family,
Obsessions: sushi, Indian food, ranch dressing, toenail polish, song lyrics, hands, awards shows, symmetry, avocados, maps, dreams, This American Life, the display in my car that tracks my MPG
Pet Peeves: loud eaters, slurping, gulping, arrogance, snoring, bad grammar, repetition, late mergers, ripping cardboard, the word "chunky", intolerance, couples in a restaurant sitting on the same side of a booth, pop-up ads, privacy manager, men that drive without shirts on, being foolish, unfairly jumping to conclusions, being made fun of, cat-calling, people who type too hard
Greatest Fear: crossing bridges
Relaxing Activites: late night drives to sing by myself, headstands, hot baths,
Wish I Was: Ansel Adams, Jenifer Aniston, in love, living alone
Prized Possessions: ring from my grandparents, flower pot of my Grandma's, electric blanket (temporarily broken), tongue scraper, my bed
Craziest Thing Ever Done: getting a tattoo, strip Jenga
Things I Eventually Want To Do: skydive, buy a guitar, learn how to play the aforementioned guitar, take flying lessons, travel to France, write a novel, learn how to play the harp, tap dancing lessons, run a marathon
Thursday, May 25, 2006 Sing me, something brave from your mouth....What the hell was the crapfest that was American Idol last night?? Maybe I'm just impatient and don't like the thought of my brain melting away watching a less-than-bright gal freaking out over a lobster or watching Meatloaf sweating before he even starts singing. Shoot, I would have even clicked over to Lost if I had even a remotely vague clue about WTF was going on on that show other than they're on an island with a polar bear and a hatch. As it was, I probably ended up watching more episodes of Top Chef that I've already seen than than of the actual American Idol show. Am I happy with the winner? Honestly, I could care less. I'm happy with my Kelly Clarkson, and that's all good for me.
Well, I start doing my internship thing today (which is the last requirement for my degree program), so I have a whole new job to attack. And all new people to get to know, all new tasks to learn how to do, and a whole new schedule of hours to work into my currently already crazy schedule. The best part though? I've already talked to my boss and I'm only slated to be in the lab 2.5 days/week. I acknowledge that it sucks that I have to take my vacation time to do this, but I'm ok with taking time off to not be in the lab. That makes my mind happy.
On that note, it's back to work for me.
Goooo Pistons! (note: I love the fact that they're playing Miami, just to hear the commentators' shock whenever Shaq makes a free throw. Genuine surprise comin' out of their mouths).
9:04 AM
Tuesday, May 23, 2006 Many precede and many will follow, a young girl's dreams no longer hollow....I was caught very much off-guard today while listening to a CD. I keep hearing all about the Dixie Chicks new cd, so I dug out my old ones to listen since I haven't in quite a while. I was surprised to find myself near tears while listening to "Wide Open Spaces," only because it put me right back in a moment that I had forgotten about for years.
Right after I graduated from college, I had been offered a job out in San Diego, and the last night that all of my roommies and friends in Ann Arbor went to the karaoke bar before I left, they let me close out the night singing this song as my send-off. I hadn't thought about that night or that moment in years, and just hearing that song put me right up there, mic in hand, looking at the faces of people that I cared about so much that I was going to miss so much, with the faint smell of a bowling alley as the backdrop. It's funny how things never quite work out they way you used to think huh? I wonder what happened to that girl who was infinitely excited about the expansive possibilities that "took the shape of a place out West." Well here she is, with a whole different set of expectations, things that excite her, and possibilities than just a few short years ago. But such is life I suppose. Had I ended up 3000 miles ago, I would probably be saying the same damn thing. I guess as long as I plod along making the most of every moment as it is, then I can look back on any expanse of time without a second guess. I don't really like beautiful beaches, perfect sunshine and the breath-taking ocean anyway. They have crabs.
So yes, I'm a big fat liar although my pants are not on fire. But I didn't deliver the timely Jason Mraz concert review. Sorry, but sometimes things just take on a different dynamic than you had originally thought they would and the last thing you feel like doing is playing happy-go-lucky. (BTW, he was fan-frickin-tastic and there was that extreme moment of bliss when he was playing "Song for a Friend" as the encore that I thought Suzy and I were going to frighten away all of the people around us with our delight and exuberance. But thankfully Kelly, Adam and Chuck don't scare so easy).
Well, I'm the only one at work right now, hence the blogging. I would lament to you about the makings of my summer work schedule, but no no! I've turned over a new leaf and I'm not whiney-work-Lisa anymore. She's on vacation while who-doesn't-love-3-jobs-Lisa has taken her place until August. This version of me finds humor in everything. Particularly her own idiocy. And the idiocy of others. And the idiocy of randomness (ex. I had a man without legs tell me that he liked my shoes this morning).
Bring it on! I will engulf you all with a bear hug and swallow it all up as though it were palak paneer (obsessed!). And churn it out for all to read. Hopefully it won't end up resembling what I imagine palak paneer would look like regurgitated. Not that it looks that great as it is. But oh so tasty! That's what I aspire to: oh so tasty!
Thursday, May 18, 2006 Well I've seen a thousand things in one place, but stopped my counting when I saw your face....First things first:
I was watching the game on Monday with my mom and was swearing like a trucker. She was on the phone with my sister Amy and had to tell me to relax with the cursing. So as soon as I get on the phone with Amy to chat, the first thing she says is, "What the fuck is going on with the Pistons??!!" Ahhh, that's my sister for ya. Blood of my blood. I'm gonna be pretty pissed if two of the teams with the best records in their respective sports get axed so early in the playoffs. I love love love Pistons playoff time!!! Do Not Want It To End Yet!!
Well then. Back to the normal. I touched down back into the lovely state of Michigan last night. I was on the airplane during, not only American Idol, and not only the Piston's game (although the pilots were giving game score updates throughout the flight. Concerning? A little bit? They're watching hoops up in the cockpit?? Perhaps they should be, ooohhh, I don't know....FLYING THE MULTI-TON AIRPLANE THAT'S CAREENING THROUGH THE AIR HIGH HIGH UP ABOVE THE GROUND?), but the finale of the Amazing Race. I originally thought I could hold out until I watched a recorded copy, but as soon as my mom called to make sure I landed ok, I forced her to tell me who won. Hell yeah for the hippies. Who doesn't love a dirty hippy now and then?? Especially when they're damn hilarious.
The boy picked me up at the airport last night and I don't know if there are happier moments than seeing someone that you miss that much. Because then you don't give a damn if you're making out in the active loading area of the baggage claim.
Well, I have a busy (?) day back at work, that I was ready to get started bright and early. But when you're co-workers don't roll in until 10:30am or so, it kind of slows down the morning a bit. Hence the blog. BUT, we're going to see Jason Mraz tonight with some free tix and a slight possiblity of meeting Mr. A-Z himself. So it's going to be an awesome night and I'm pumped to see him perform his new songs. I have all my fingers and toes crossed for "Song For a Friend". I'm sure Suzy does too. I'll give the concert recap tomorrow. Promise.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 It's always better on holiday, so much better on holiday....Well, I'm currently on my last full day of my week getaway to Florida. As all vacations, it has gone by way too fast, and I think that's because we've been keeping ourselves super busy while I'm here. Usually when I come down to visit the rentals, after a few days of waking up at 10am, reading my book on the lanai, and eating as much fish and seafood as I can, I get a little stir crazy and remember why I don't miss living with my parents. But that feeling hasn't set in yet.
On Friday, we drove ourselves allllll the way down to Key West for a friend's wedding (my roommate's sister), who I've known since I was about 8. And I must admit, hands down, that it was the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to. Ever. And ever. If anyone ever tells you that a beach wedding is overrated and not worth it, you can tell them to take their stuffy indoor wedding and shove it. I've never really thought they were super-fantastic either, but once I saw the bride with orchids in her hair, all of the bridal party in flip flops, and the couple saying their vows with their feet in the sand with the backdrop of the ocean, I'll admit it, I'm a convert. (Once I have the pics my parents took, I will post them to back up my claims). The night was perfect with a pleasant breeze, and one can more easily excuse the wild congo line to "Hot Hot Hot" as just being a side-effect of the environment. So, it was a wonderful evening, in spite of the 7 hour one-way drive from Orlando to Key West. (Side note: You'll be pleased to know that I managed rather well over the multiple hour trip through the bridges of the Keys. Mostly because the "bridges" were mostly just islands, and the ones that were legitimately suspended over water were not that high for me to panic over. Except the "7 Mile Bridge". I didn't care for that one too much, in height, or in length).
So since we returned on Saturday, I've just been lounging around. Reading. Eating seafood. Yesterday, my mom and I went to Disney World, and although I've mentioned this everytime I've visited and we've gone there, I still get that stupid goofy excitement like I was a 7-year old. Just the excitement of seeing Cinderella's castle (which they've jazzed up by the way), makes me a bonafide little kid again. But Blancho and I had a great time -- it wasn't too blistery hot, as we all know that I become the worlds biggest crabass when I get hot (one should not poke me with butterfly garden stakes at that moment). And we went on most of the rides (although I didn't get my wish of the Dumbo ride, since the wait was 40 minutes and all) and got soaked on one of the water rides, leaving me smelling like recycled, sour water for the rest of the evening. But I enjoyed watching little kids wave at the animatronic dolls in "It's a Small World". And the guy waiting in line for "It's a Small World" with a t-shirt that said, "Smoke a Fatty." Ahhh, nothing says quintessential children's attraction like a good old marijuana reference. But it was a great great day, and I wish I could pretend to be a little kid more often.
Well, it's going to be cloudy and rainy here today, so I don't know what we'll end up doing. (Note: this is not me complaining that it's cloudy and rainy, as I am aware that it has been raining, pretty much non-stop in Michigan since my plane left the ground last Wednesday). But I come back to reality tomorrow, with hopefully a more relaxed mindset, and a bit of a tan to make my co-workers feel bad that I was on vacation and they weren't (feel free to add your own, "Na na na na na na" there as needed). I hope you've had a nice week, and that you can jet away sometime soon for a self-indulgent, nothin-but-nothing week. It's totally and completely worth it. At least it makes me complain in my blog a lot less. Which is a good start.
Saturday, May 06, 2006 You outta be proud that I'm getting good marks....So when it's all said and done, I should be graduating from grad school with approximately a 3.9 GPA (owing only to an A- in biostats and a B in economics. Damn you supply and demand!!!). I know I've constantly said that my program was really easy, but I think in general, it's just the dynamic of grad school itself that I find easier to cope with. Maybe it's because I went to a huge university as an undergrad and became just an id number with a grade and never really made any kind of attempts to get extra help from a prof. And now there are only about 100 people in my entire program that makes it more personal and easier to get feedback and pretty much do exactly what they tell you to do. I think that's part of the equation too. Just doing exactly what they tell you to. Maybe I was more of a free thinker as an undergrad...that or I didn't know how to listen (I'm guessing the latter). But if I had to put money on it? I honestly think that they just give everyone A's. Because it looks good for the school and the program to have a slew of seeming-smarty-pants coming out into the real world. Well don't worry, I'll fool them all.
I currently have 2 proposals that I have to write, that should be done before Tuesday, and yet, pretty much every moment between now and Tuesday already have plans, meetings, and work associated with them. So instead of having that panic in my chest on a Saturday morning acknowledging how much I have to do and how I should be spending these few spare moments getting anything I possibly can accomplished, I'll just sit here and have another cup of coffee, and look out the window, and keep listening to Elliott Smith. There's plenty more time to be overwhelmed. But I'm trying not to do that before noon.
By the way, I've come to the conclusion that being busy makes you the most wretched, selfish person ever.
Well, I need to refill my mug and get back to work(?). Sure let's just call it that for now. It's the best work I'll do all week. Hope you're all alive and kickin' out there.
9:21 AM
Yes, I am in fact still alive. Although sometimes I wonder.
I know, it's been over 2 weeks. So shoot me. Please?
I'm leaving for vacation in 8 days. And I have 22 days worth of work to do between now and then.
I'm going to a wedding in Key West with my parents while I'm visiting them in Florida. I'm trying to get my hands on some quaaludes or Valium for the torturous multi-hour trek over hundreds of bridges. I think it's going to be my worst nightmare realized. Like whoever made those keys looked into my nightmares and recreated it, except with the illusion of pretty blue water.
I'm done with my class. I never have to sit in another classroom ever ever again. Can I get a hey-o!?
I got an extension for my thesis project until the end of the summer. I guess that's good, but that means I have to work on it all summer.
I'm officially in love with Ben Gibbard and the way he keeps time with his feet. And no, that's not the boy's name. Although I could see if he would respond to Ben...but somehow I doubt it.
Have you ever eaten at a Nepali restaurant? You get to sit on the floor without shoes on on cushy pillows. And if you're really lucky, the owner will come over and give you his thoughts on life and death and karma.
Does anyone know how to get wax off of clothing?
The boy is supposed to meet my parents at some point this weekend.
I'm obsessed with grilling.
I'm just barely getting back to the point that I don't want to tear my lungs out when I run a few measly miles.
I cannot keep a single straight thought in my head.